
A 2012 TV spin-off?

The pic is still two days away for release, and yet Roland Emmerich’s obviously so confident he has a hit on his hands (actually, I’m pretty much convinced it’ll swallow the box office whole like Traci Lords would Ron Jeremy, too) with “2012” that he’s announced plans to turn it into a TV series.

Entertainment Weekly reports that the king-of-the-disaster-movie (He also crafted “Independence Day” and “The Day After Tomorrow”) is developing “2013”, a series that – as the title suggests – will take place twelve months after the events of the film. Mark Gordon, an executive producer on “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Private Practice”, is involved in the series.

Emmerich said “2013” would be “about the resettling of Earth. That is very, very fascinating. (2012 writer/producer) Harold Kloser and I came up with the idea and we have the luxury of having a producer on the film who is a big TV producer, Mark Gordon. We said to Mark, ‘Why don’t you do a TV show that picks up where the movie leaves off and call it 2013?’ I think it will focus on a group of people who survived but not on the boats … maybe they were on a piece of land that was spared or one that became an island in the process of the crust moving. There are so many possibilities of what they could do and I’d be excited to watch it.”

No doubt Emmerich’s been spurred on by the success of the similar-themed “V” which debuted on ABC earlier this week. The reimaging of the ‘80s series, starring Elizabeth Mitchell from “Lost”, bowed Tuesday to the best numbers for a new 8 p.m. drama since “Lost” in 2004. Interestingly enough, ABC – the same network that have relaunched “V” and will have a gap to fill once “Lost” finishes at the end of its current season – are the network that are apparently interested in “2013”.

Lloyd Dobler Cloned?

Clint’s Bits – 5/11/09